Kate Favre



Vi har i menigheden flere gange haft glæde af et besøg af Keturah "Kate" Favre, der oprindeligt kommer fra Schweiz. Hun underviser på ACTS Academy, bibelhøjskolen i Kolding, og er en dygtig kommunikator og formidler Guds sandhed, visdom og kærlighed.

Lær hende lidt mere at kende her:

"Hej, jeg hedder Kate. Jeg er 28 år og er vokset op i Schweiz. For seks år siden fulgte jeg Guds kald til at tage på højskole i Danmark. Jeg gik på Apostolsk Højskole i Kolding i to år, og har de sidste fire år været både frivillig og ansat på skolen.

Jeg elsker livet med Gud og ønsker at være med til at skabe oplevelser og øjeblikke, hvor andre kan få lov til at møde Jesus. Det  er i ham, at der er frihed og livsformål. Jeg glæder mig til at komme til Horsens og dele det, Gud har lagt på mit hjerte for jer."

På et tidspunkt skrev Kate dette på sin facebook-side. En stærk proklamation af tro!

I would like to give honor where honor is due: to my God and Father because He has brought me thus far.
There is an unseen force that has been present throughout all the events of my life, it has brought meaning to my life in a meaningless world, and that unseen force was revealed to our world in the form of Jesus Christ, and then revealed personally to me.

I am a walking and breathing proof of the goodness and greatness of God.

The love He displays to me, is what I once could not dare to hope for.
He has turned my life upside down and has brought my soul to green fields! I once was lost, but now I am found. I once was blind, but now I see.

If you are longing for more in Life, if you have been wondering whether you could ever find true well-being, I want to tell you that Jesus is the answer to the question mark that keeps your heart undone. He is the way, the objective truth, and the abundant life. And he is waiting for you with a loving gaze.

Christianity is not the opium for the masses, it is the fearless faith that there is indeed an infinite Being that can meet your infinite desire! Mine today is to become aware of the presence of His Spirit, thankful for our journey together, and to be filled afresh within so that I might go forward full of courage, full of peace and full of love.

And as Jabez cried out to the God of his country, I pray these words with him: (1 Chronicles 4:10)

“O Lord that you would bless me indeed
And enlarge my territory
That Your hand would be with me,
That You would keep me from evil
That I may cause no pain.”